The Battle in You
Jesus, long before He died on the Cross, knew that He would have to die. Yes, He even asked His father at one time that if this cup can pass Him, to let it pass. That tells us clearly that the Crucifixion on the Cross was a battle within Him before the battle was manifested outwardly on the Cross. We all have battles, stirrings, and concerns that are like a stormy sea within us, and we do not know what it will look like when what is in us comes out in the open. I want to encourage you. The battle of the Cross was intense in Jesus, and it was messy on that Cross, but since that day, millions have accepted Jesus as Lord. The battle and stirring in you are all for the good. Be strong and stay the course, for what is in you must come out so that you will see the great purpose of this God-ordained stirring in you. It feels as if it is something negative, but the battle in you is for the good. This incredible word will bless you greatly and is a word the Lord spoke to me over Christmas time. Battle no more, for out of you will come an unexpected sweetness that will touch the world!